
In music we follow the National Curriculum, enhancing and tailoring it to meet the needs of our community and pupils. 

Curriculum Intent

As a school, we are passionate about the teaching, learning and assessment of music. Music plays an important and consistent part in the life of the children. At Rivington, we aim to teach high quality music lessons that engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music to help increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement as musicians.  As pupils progress through the school, they should develop critical skills within music, allowing them to compose and perform with an increased awareness of the steps and skills involved within this process.  We wish to give every child the opportunity to experience and enjoy music through a variety of fun and engaging opportunities. We also aim to promote pupils’ social, cultural, spiritual and global development through music.



We are currently using ‘The Charanga Musical School Scheme’ to ensure that all children across the school are being developed in the following musical skills:

  • Listening and appraising
  • Singing and Musical instrument practise
  • Composition
  • Improvisation
  • Performing and sharing


The scheme allows us to teach music through different genres of music, tailored to the age and stage for that year group. The scheme also allows us to support confident musicians to deliver challenge through differentiated tasks throughout each lesson. Additional music opportunities to help inspire, develop and challenge the children’s musical skills are available for them throughout their school journey.  Some of these include; additional singing opportunities through choir events and performances in and out of school, orchestral trips and music lessons provided by the Schools’ Music Service.  As a school we also work closely with, and buy into, the Music Hub which provides wider opportunities in Year 4 to enable children to learn an instrument with a specialist teacher.  To follow on from this, our school also funds ‘Play on’ activities for those who wish to continue in Year 5 and 6.



Our Music curriculum will ensure all pupils develop key music skills, as set out by the national curriculum. These are as follows:

  • listen to and identify a variety of music from different styles and different instruments using a range of musical vocabulary to express their knowledge/opinion.
  • to know, understand and demonstrate how pulse and rhythm work together.
  • to sing in an ensemble with the aim of producing a round sound, clear diction, control of pitch and a musical understanding of how parts fit together.
  • to use a range of musical instruments, experiencing solo and ensemble play, to improvise and compose melodies, tunes and accompaniments.
  •  to understand that music is open to interpretation and critical skills should be developed to ensure that children can offer constructive comments about their own and others’ work.

Children are assessed half termly, according to age related expectations in line with curriculum requirements and scheme aims and resources. Children’s learning will be informally assessed through questioning throughout lessons, work in folders and musical recordings. Assessment data, will be monitored through weekly lessons by the music teaching team, learning walks and data analysis throughout the year by the co-ordinator.

Equality and SEN Statement

At Rivington Primary School we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children whatever their age, ability, gender, race, religion or background.  We aim to create an environment that values each pupil and enables them to achieve their full potential.  We provide a broad and balanced curriculum appropriately differentiated to respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs.  The opportunities and experiences we provide enable our pupils to participate fully and give their best across all aspects of school life.  We place great value on the quality of relationships within our school community and celebrate the achievements of all pupils.


We appreciate that children may have special educational needs throughout, or at any time during their school career.  At Rivington Primary School we aim to facilitate the full inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.


Music is a part of our everyday lives and can provide us with much joy and comfort.  At Rivington, we aim to support and teach Music to all children, whatever their ability, in accordance with the school curriculum policy of providing a broad and balanced education to all children. Teachers provide learning opportunities matched to the needs of children in their class. 




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