Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ellison

Welcome to Year 4!

Class Teacher: Mrs Ellison

Teaching assistants: Miss Heeley and Mrs Tilley

Lunch time supervisors: Mrs Cooper, Mrs Leyland and Mrs Featherstone

Things you need to know:

Our PE days will be on Tuesday and Thursday. During the Autumn term, children in Year 4 attend swimming lessons on a Monday which counts towards one of our PE lessons. 

Homework will be sent out on Friday and is due in the following Friday. Homework will usually involve maths and spelling. Children are expected to read three times a week and their reading journals should be signed by an adult to show this.  

Why not take a look at some of the exciting opportunities that take place in our class...

Autumn Term

In RE, we have been learning all about Judaism. We know about Jewish beliefs and practices such as the Ten Commandments and the story of Moses, the story of Passover and some important religious symbols such as the Torah, star of David and the Mezuzah prayer.

Our History lessons have focused on exploring the Roman empire. We have really enjoyed discussing how the Romans changed Britain and the impacts that the Romans still have on us today. We know that the Romans were the first to invent aqueducts for fresh water systems and if you look carefully you can tell where the Romans build the first ever 'straight roads' to help with travel across the country. In our lessons we have designed our very own Roman town. We used information books as secondary sources of information to help us search for key features in a Roman town. 

This term we are also enjoying our swimming and basketball lessons. We have been working hard on our dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Now, we are able to work as part of a team and play basketball tournaments. 


In Science, we have been learning all about electricity. During our first lesson, Mrs Ellison set us a challenge to see who would be quickest to set up a simple circuit. It has been brilliant engaging in experiements to test if an object is an insulator or a conductor and creating DIY switches for a circuit. We have also learnt about the Chemical Scientist Humphrey Davy who invented the Davy Lamp to keep people safe down the mines. 










Year 4: Gallery items

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