The Rivington Way
The Rivington Way is underpinned by our school values: Respect, Protect, Give Thanks, Keep Peace
At Rivington, we develop children's character through our 'Rivington Way' curriculum. To build character, we define the behaviours, habits, and values that we expect our children to demonstrate. We want to support our children to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, grateful and who put others before themselves. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours over time, they become embedded habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.
The curriculum is taught explicitly during the first week of the Autumn term alongside the traditional National Curriculum subjects. Children should learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term the 'Rivington Way' is revisited and continues to be reinforced throughout the year.
Please click on the attachment below to read more about the 'Rivington Way'.