
Lesson: Personal, Social and Emotional Education

Class: Year 3 Year: 2017 - 2018

As part of our 'wellbeing work' the children took part in a lesson which focussed upon emotions; recognising them and naming them. We used images, colours and music to instigate emotional responses. The children discussed these sensitively and maturely and impressed us with their insightful ideas. The children then explored different images and each decided on an emotion they felt each one represented. These images were placed onto a spectrum to assign each emotion a colour. Again this sparked a lot of discussion and demonstrated the children's reasoning as well as their emotional awareness. Finally we created a gallery to give everybody a chance to view each others work before sharing our thoughts and opinions on the differences we found. The children engaged in the activity enthusiastically and enjoyed the chance to reflect on their own feelings. They also commented on how the ideas of other people had challenged their own. Well done Year 3.

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