


At Rivington we use the Read to Write scheme as it aims to provide high-quality teaching of writing through high-quality literature. The detailed units of work focus on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities within and across the curriculum. Read to Write is evidence-based teaching of writing and all staff have recieved training on the delivery of it.

The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities. The units have been carefully mapped out so that all of the statutory curriculum for writing is covered for each year group. By using the Read to Write curriculum our intent and implementation will lead to impact and improved outcomes for children.

We place emphasis on the writing process and time is given to gather and generate ideas, vocabulary, plan, draft and redraft.  Classrooms have a working wall to support this writing process and our consistent approach to this can be seen in all classrooms from Year 1 to Year 6.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar

We aim to develop the children’s ability to produce well structured, detailed writing in which the meaning is made clear and which engages the interest of the reader. Attention is paid throughout the school to the formal structures of English, grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling. 

“Spelling Guidelines” detail which spelling patterns and common exception words are to be covered in each year group. Our phonics programme is used from Reception to Year One to develop spelling strategies whilst the first term in Year Two is used to reinforce the spelling of vowel sounds in particular.  Weekly GPS sessions are delivered in conjunction with GPS taught within writing lessons in addition to the creative approaches to spelling, punctuation and grammar which we employ to interest and motivate the children. 


The “Letterjoin” handwriting scheme is used to develop letter formation and orientation.  Reception class develop a clear printed style with a focus on correct pencil grip, Year One use a clear printed style with lead ins, whilst joins are begun in Year Two.   At Key Stage Two joined handwriting continues to be taught in formal sessions leading to pupils developing their own style of handwriting, matching presentation to purpose.  



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