Year 1: Gallery
Meeting the animals at Cowley, by Mrs Hewitt
Songfest, by Mrs Hewitt
The Wigan Runner visit, by Mrs Hewitt
Jubilee, by Mrs Hewitt
Art Picasso style Portraits, by Mrs Hewitt
Bird feeders, by Mrs Hewitt
Superworm trail, by Mrs Hewitt
Theatre Trip, by Mrs Hewitt
World Book Day, by Mrs Burrows
Y1 Plants, by Mrs Hewitt
We love maths!, by Miss Tsang
Individual Scarecrows, by Miss Harris
Class Scarecrows, by Miss Harris
More Rivi Messages, by Miss Tsang
Rivi Lockdown Messages, by Miss Tsang
St. Helens Youth Open Art Competition 2020, by Miss Laverick
Rainbow paintings, by Mrs McKenny
Book Week 2020., by Miss Speakman
Addition, by Mrs McKenny
Portraits, by Mrs McKenny
Our Walk Around the Locality, by Miss Speakman
Forces, by Mrs McKenny
Key Strings, by Mrs McKenny
Science Week, by Mrs McKenny
Autumn 1 Learning, by Mrs McKenny