Reception: Gallery
Songfest, by Mrs Hewitt
We love maths!, by Miss Tsang
Individual Scarecrows, by Miss Harris
Class Scarecrows, by Miss Harris
More Rivi Messages, by Miss Tsang
Rivi Lockdown Messages, by Miss Tsang
St. Helens Youth Open Art Competition 2020, by Miss Laverick
Rainbow paintings, by Mrs McKenny
Book Week 2020., by Miss Speakman
Going on a Leaf Hunt, by Mr Clarke
Key Strings Visit the Infants, by Miss Speakman
Rivington's Big Sing, by Miss Laverick
Christmas in Reception, by Miss Smith
Meg and Mog activities, by Miss Smith
Reception's trip to Speke Hall, by Miss Smith
Christmas week in Reception, by Miss Smith
Reception visit Peter St Library, by Miss Smith
Reception's first week, by Miss Smith
Chinese New Year Celebrations, by Mr Clarke
Reception Snow Day, by Mr Clarke
Autumn Learning, by Mr Clarke
Reception Dinosaur Dig, by Mr Clarke