Year Two Spring Blog
Date: 2nd Apr 2015 @ 12:20pm
We have had a very busy half term which began with Book Week. Year Two enjoyed sharing stories with Year Five, dressing up as animals from stories, acting out the story of "Superworm" for Year Six, listening to a wide range of stories read by many different adults and following a story trail which Year Six designed for us.
Red Nose Day was fun and we all wore red! Some children even wore funny glasses which they had designed themselves.
This half term we have been learning about plants and we have grown some lettuce, cress and daffodils. We found out that seeds and bulbs need water, air, light and warmth to grow. In art, we have been studying Acimboldo and we have drawn our own pictures of faces with fruit and vegetables.
Our focus author was Julia Donaldson and we had our own Julia Donaldson reading corner. “My favourite book by Julia Donaldson was Stick Man because he was used as a stick for a dog to chase,” Harrison. “We liked The Smartest Giant in Town because his pants fell down!,” Evie and Nadine. “I like all her books because they are funny, they rhyme and they have interesting illustrations,” James.
In geography and literacy we have been researching St. Helens and its attractions. We went to The Transport Museum and The World of Glass to help us to write some amazing information leaflets to go in our Tourist Information Office. “I liked the glass blowing when Amy blew the hot glass and it got bigger and bigger,” Erin. “The bridge to the Cone Building was exciting because you could walk on some very strong glass and see the canal,” Amilia. “Everybody enjoyed exploring the Mirror Maze, especially when the wizard appeared and disappeared. Year Two learnt a lot about St Helens in the past and how important glass was to our town. The children were very well behaved and the volunteers in the Transport Museum said they had enjoyed giving the tour to them,” Miss Speakman.