Bonfire celebration week
Date: 6th Nov 2015 @ 1:04pm
This week in Reception, we have been learning about bonfire night and exploring what we know about fireworks. The children had some fantastic descriptions of fireworks. At adventure time, we made firework pictures using paint, glitter and chalk then we made our own rockets back in class. We had to use a 'tube' and a 'cone' shaped roof. Miss Smith was very impressed with how well the children could attach materials using glue and tape!
On Thursday, we joined nursery on the playground to watch a firework display. The children knew how to stay safe and helped Mr Littler by counting down from 10. The fireworks were 'beautiful' and made a 'pop', 'crackle' and 'bang' sound. We also sat outside together to eat hotdogs and talk about what we were all planning to do at home that night. We used our imagination to pretend that we had a bonfire crackling in the middle of our circle! After singing firework songs, Reception drew a firework picture and wrote some fantastic firework words.